gudi 29d b
gudi 29d
gudi 45d
gudi 4 m 1
gudi 4 m
Gudi 4m
5.5 m
5.5 m1
Goodi 7 m 2
Goodi 7 m 3
Goodi 7 m
Goodi 7m 1
Goodi 18 m 1
Goodi 18 m2
Goodi 18 m3
Goodi 18 m4
Goodi 2011 05 03
Goodi 18 m5
The Attraction Cyprus Club of Chow Chow
Hi. My name is Black Kindom Gintaras but you can call me Goodi. I was born on 2009. Im coming from Belarus and i have a very famous family. My father was a  World Vice-Winner 2009! My father got too many awards. I am very proud for them and i follow there steps. There you will see my pedigree also. I like   too much playining with the others in the family but specially with the Fendi. I am happy with this.